Haulage & Transport
PMK provide services to a number of haulage and transport businesses.
Intense contract price competition continues to haunt the sector as operators report business is being won on unsustainably low rates, especially by multi-national providers and customers operating on lower margins (especially retailers and etailers) who are seeking to share the cost reduction. Crucially, firms must realise that not all business is good business and this is where PMK Accountancy Services can provide assistance by providing detailed and accurate financial information, which can be used to accurately cost contracts.
Research shows this is the current key challenge for operators. Volatile fuel costs continue to wreak havoc with margins, accounting for a significant proportion of direct costs. Operators are focusing on improving profitability via greater efficiencies through the use of IT, focusing on customer retention and enhancing contract margins through value-added services, diversifying to win new business, and cost-cutting further, where possible.
Through providing our clients with detailed financial information and relevant KPI monitoring, our clients can be more responsive to changes in costs and produce more accurate contract costings and performance appraisals.
Combined with our ability to guide our clients in the area financial performance, we can also guide them on other areas such as legal structure, financing the business, tax planning and efficient extraction, VAT & payroll.
Services We Offer
what we can do for you